It is estimated that 95,000 people are diagnosed with colon cancer each year. The good news is that you have the power to fight colon cancer by following a healthy diet. Below is a list of some of the foods that are essential for a healthy colon:


Beans are a great source of a nutrient called folate. You should aim to get 400 mcg of folate per day. One cup of black beans will provide you with 64 percent of the recommended daily intake of folate. One cup of kidney beans will provide you with 57 percent of the folate that you need for the day.

Even if you do not have a family history of colon cancer, it still pays to get the recommended intake of this nutrient. In fact, you can potentially cut your risk of colon cancer by up to 40 percent by getting the recommended intake of folate.


Studies have shown that diets high in red meat can increase the risk of colon cancer. On the other hand, you can cut your risk of colon cancer by substituting red meat with fish. Regular fish consumption can decrease the risk of colon cancer by up to 12 percent.


Avocado is another one of the foods that are rich in folate. One avocado will provide you with 22 percent of the folate that you need. Not only is avocado a great source of fiber, but it is also filled with vitamin K, healthy fats and dietary fiber. You can add avocado to your sandwich or salad.

Whole Grain

Whole grain-rich foods, such as whole wheat bread, wild rice, whole oats and brown rice, are all rich in fiber. Dietary fiber helps promote healthy digestion and helps prevent common problems, such as constipation. Increasing your fiber intake can also help prevent intestinal blockage.

Furthermore, fiber can protect against a condition called diverticulitis. This is a condition that affects the pouches in the walls of the colon, which are known as the diverticula. It causes the diverticula to become inflamed. It is estimated that half of people who are over the age of 60 have this condition.

Men who are under the age of 50 need to get 38 grams of fiber every day. Women who are in this same group need to get 25 grams of fiber per day. Men who are over the age of 50 need to get 30 grams of fiber whereas women in this same age group need to get 21 grams of fiber.

Dairy Products

You may have heard that you should avoid dairy products. However, dairy products can actually be very healthy. In fact, they can help protect against colon cancer. Dairy products, such as yogurt, have good bacteria. Certain types of bacteria can stop bile from converting into bile acid. Excess amounts of bile acid can increase the risk of colon cancer.

Additionally, dairy products are a great source of calcium. Studies have shown that getting the proper amount of calcium can reduce the risk of colon cancer.

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