With over 50 years of experience in health care, VNA and Hospice offers the health care options that Salinas, CA residents need. Our services are designed to treat each patient with the dignity and compassion that they deserve. We offer Salinas, CA residents help with hospice care, senior home care services and a wide range of health problems.

Hospice Care

Within the hospice, the first goal is to make patients as comfortable as possible. Our staff members work to create an environment where families and patients can remain together at home. Rather than go to a hospital or nursing home, we help the patient to maintain their personal dignity and quality of life. Throughout the process, we work to support the emotional, spiritual and physical needs of each patient.

Registered Nursing Care

Our care providers include hospice nurses, bereavement counselors, primary physicians, social workers, hospice medical directors, volunteers, certified hospice aides and registered nurses. Through the support of our well-trained staff, patients can experience a better quality of life. We accept most major insurance providers, and sponsorship options are available for patients in need.

Home Health Care

Quality of life is important, and many patients prefer to live at home as long as possible. To help Salinas, CA residents achieve this goal, we provide them with quality care within the home. Our home health care services can help prevent future hospitalizations and allow the patient to live at home with their family for as long as possible. While it is not possible in every case, we work with each family to get the patient the care and dignity they need.

Palliative Care

Palliative care is ideal for anyone with a chronic illness who needs extra medical support. Offered for conditions ranging from cancer to Alzheimer’s disease, our palliative care services are offered with compassion and expertise. We help patients of all ages to receive the care they need within the setting they want.

Senior Home Care Services

Our senior home care services are designed to ensure a high quality of life and dignity for every patient. While some patients cannot live at home, many are able to live healthily in their home as long as they have the right support. At VNA and Hospice, we work to provide the services and support that patients need to live at home with dignity.

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For more information on VNA’s services please call 831-298-5642.