transition from hospital to home

From Hospital to Home: How to Make a Smooth Transition

Making the transition for staying the the hospital and receiving the ok from your physician is an exciting time! With many ends to tie up and preparations to be made, here is your guide to making your transition an effortless one.

Healthcare Proxy

Another term for a healthcare proxy is a Medical Power of Attorney. This is when you designate someone to make decisions on your behalf if you have become incapacitated. The document is legally binding. It is crucial to make one as soon as possible. You will continue to make decisions for yourself as long as you are capable.

The proxy comes into play if you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself. For example, if you are terminally ill, and cannot do things like you normally do, the person designated on the proxy would take over and make the decisions for you. Another example is if you end up in a coma following an accident. The person you designate on the proxy would make all the decisions on your behalf.

Typically, when you get admitted to a hospital, the attending physician would ask for a healthcare proxy. Most people draw one up when preparing a living will. The vast majority of people do not have a living will or a health proxy. Some people have never heard of the term until the doctor first mentions it.

Preparing your Home

Depending on how severe the illness is, your caregiver will need to order some equipment and supplies. The hospital will assist you with the necessary information. If you are utilizing a home care agency, find out what type of medical equipment they provide and what you will need to pay out of pocket.

Find out if you will need equipment such as a walker, shower chair, or a commode. You will also need to know if you will have to get supplies ranging from diapers, disposable gloves, or skincare items. You will need to know if your insurance will cover any of the equipment and supplies. As a caregiver, it can get overwhelming to look after a loved one. You do not have to do it alone. .

Additionally, your home should be comfortable and safe. You will have to remove obstacles from your home that would cause falls such as a rug or electrical cords that extend across the room. Find a place where you would write relevant information for appointments such as a bulletin board, a drawer, or a notepad.

What Role Do You Play

Figure out what you will be doing for yourself and what others will be doing for you. For example, can you shower by yourself? Can you comb your hair? Will you need assistance to make the bed? Whatever you cannot do, communicate that to the hospital staff. They will, in turn, pass the information to your caregiver.
Don’t be afraid to be the best advocate for yourself!

How to Manage Medication

You will need to know what medications you will be taking and what time to take them. Also, you will need to know for how long you will take the medicine. Other information regarding your medication includes whether you should take them with meals and also knowing the side effects. You will also need to know what drug can get combined with medicines you were already taking. Furthermore, you will need to know how to manage your medication.

VNA & Hospice is dedicated to providing the highest quality healthcare to residents of the Central Coast and Monterey County. Registered nurses and skilled staff members provide many services, including senior home care, hospice health care, palliative care, orthopedic rehabilitation, and more.

Why Exercise is Important, Even in Old Age

The majority of people understand that physical exercise is vital for long-term health as well as overall longevity. Unfortunately, many seniors may think that it is too late or that exercise is too strenuous or dangerous for them to take part in. No matter what physical condition you are currently in, a doctor-supervise and, if necessary, a caregiver assisted exercise regimen can always improve your quality of life.

Before You Start Exercising

Always get the OK from your physician before you begin any type of exercise. Also, engaging the help of a professional caregiver or home healthcare expert is a good idea,they can assist with encouragement and maintaining safety.

Tips for Safe and Effective Activity in Old Age

Whether you are guided by a healthcare professional or are exercising on your own, the number one rule is to say safe and not to push yourself too hard and increase the chance of health issues or injury. Also, to something that you find fun because you are more likely to continue the activity than if it is pouring or too difficult. Exercising with friends or family members is a great idea too.

Some great ideas for physical activity in the elderly include:

  1. Take a walk. Any period of walking instead of sitting down in the chair or lying in bed is beneficial to your physical and mental health.
  2. Go dancing. There is no need for tricky steps or fast-paced movements. If you love music, put on your favorite song and get up and dance.
  3. Seated exercises can be beneficial to seniors with mobility problems. You can move your feet, stretch, do arm exercises with or without light weights.
  4. Water aerobics provide a lot of fun and a great workout without putting excess strain on your joints. Many senior centers organize classes and a caregiver can assist.
  5. Wii or other active virtual games can get you up on your feet or even provide exercise for your body and arms as you move the controllers to go bowling, play tennis or golf, go fishing or even play carnival games in front of the TV.

Physical Benefits of Exercise in Old Age

Most people consider active exercise to be primarily about increasing physical strength and ability. The benefits of physical habits for people in their old age are many.

Increased muscle mass and tone can make mobility easier, improve balance, can ward off injuries, improve joint strength and increase independence. Any weight-bearing exercise can give a boost to bone density, reducing fractures. Reducing body fat can help maintain a healthier heart and blood sugar levels. Any exercise that increases the heart rate and makes you breathe heavier improves cardiovascular health as well.

Mental Benefits of Exercise in Old Age

Exercise in the elderly is not all about the physical benefits however. Scientific studies have clearly found a connection between physical activity, which improves blood flow and overall vigor, with greater mental acuity and lower risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s. Physical exercise can also help alleviate depression and anxiety that frequently plagues older people.

Not only does physical activity benefit the mind because of the physical changes that go on in your body, but adopting a new exercise regimen also gives your brain a workout because it engages with a new activity. When you learn a new Wii game or learn a new dance style, your brain needs to process new information. Constantly learning trying new things is great way to stay sharp.

6 Easy Ways To A More Productive Morning

Many of us find it difficult to have a productive morning. It is easy to get overwhelmed with all of the things that you have to do before you even leave the house. The good news is that there are many things you can do in order to make your morning more productive. Below is a list of tips that will help:

Let Yourself Receive Adequate Amount Of Rest

You can start your morning off right by getting a good night’s rest the night before. If you get seven to nine hours of sleep per night, then you will likely wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start your day. Additionally, you will have the energy needed to get through your day if you rest.

Create A Realistic Routine And Stick To It

Mornings will be less hectic if you create a realistic routine. There are both physical and psychological benefits that you can reap from sticking to a morning routine. A study done by the American Psychological Association has shown that people who create a morning routine and stick to it are less likely to experience anxiety and depression. A morning routine can also help you lower your stress levels.

Stretch Or Meditate

You should make time in your morning routine for stretching or meditation. Both of these practices have many benefits. Stretching feels good and helps improve your flexibility. It also helps improve your balance and coordination. Meditation can help lower your blood pressure, improve your focus and boost your mood.

Eat A Large, Healthy Breakfast

It is easy to skip breakfast when you do not have a lot of time in the morning. However, eating a nutritious breakfast is one of the best things you can do in order to start your morning off the right way. It will be a lot easier for you to concentrate while you are at work or school if you eat a nutritious breakfast. You will also have an easier time getting the nutrients that you need if you eat breakfast.

Furthermore, eating breakfast can help you if you are trying to lose weight or maintain your weight. You are less likely to overeat later in the day if you eat breakfast.

Give Yourself Enough Time To Get Everything Done

Mornings can be a very busy time. In order for you to avoid rushing, you should give yourself enough time to get everything done. You may want to consider going to bed a little bit earlier so that you can get up earlier in the morning. Taking your time to complete morning activities will make your day a lot less stressful.

Stay Positive

Thinking positively sets the tone for having a good day.That is why you should start your day off by thinking positively. Do not worry about all of the things that can potentially go wrong during the day. Tell yourself that you will be able to handle whatever happens during the day. This attitude will help you stay focused on the right things.

VNA & Hospice is dedicated to providing the highest quality healthcare to residents of the Central Coast and Monterey County. Registered nurses and skilled staff members provide many services, including senior home care, hospice health care, palliative care, orthopedic rehabilitation, and more.

Is Stress Limiting Your Life's Quality?

Everyone experiences stress on occasion, and a small amount of stress can be a useful motivator. However, the modern world has led many to accept increasing levels of stress as part of their day-to-day lives, and this stress can build to levels high enough to have measurable, and potentially dangerous, health effects. Here are a few ways to determine if stress is limiting your quality of life.

Poor Sleep Quality

Sleep is fundamental for both physical and mental health, and stress can significantly reduce your quality of sleep, leading to late nights and difficulty waking up in the morning. Furthermore, insufficient sleep can directly raise your level of stress, creating a dangerous cycle. Insufficient sleep can cause your performance at work to drop or even strain your relationships with others, potentially creating more sources of stress.

Other Mental Symptoms

Stress and anxiety overlap significantly, and they’re often caused by the same factors. People with underlying anxiety might find that low levels of stress make it difficult to stay focused on work or to stay productive during the day, and this poor work quality can cause more stress. Stress and anxiety can also cause or exacerbate depression, a common comorbid symptom. Getting a handle on stress can help people improve their depressive symptoms and achieve better mental health.

Personality Changes

Over time, stress can cause personality changes. Work-related anxiety might make people feel guilty about taking time to relax, potentially causing more stress. People with high levels of stress might not have the energy to go out with friends or family, which can lead to feelings of isolation. Stress can also lead to people simply being in a bad mood more frequently, which can strain relationships. Better managing stress can lead to a more positive outlook and higher energy levels.

Physical Effects

While it’s widely known that stress affects the mind, its physical effects are often ignored. Stress has been linked to cardiovascular problems , and people with existing cardiovascular problems might have more difficult keeping these problems under control. Stress can also lead to lower energy levels, which can lead to a lower quality of life. It can be more difficult to exercise when your levels of stress are high, and a lack of exercise can cause a host of physical problems.

Lowered Expectations

Many people experiencing high levels of stress come to view it as normal; without expert help, many people are simply unable to take the steps needed to break out of stress-causing cycles. As a result, people sometimes develop a more limited view of how much they should expect out of life and stop taking steps to combat their stress.

As sinister as stress can be, there are a number of ways to combat it. Stress is unavoidable, but learning how to best deal with it can make it a rare, transient feeling instead of a chronic pressure that can affect nearly all parts of our lives.

VNA & Hospice is dedicated to providing the highest quality healthcare to residents of the Central Coast and Monterey County. Registered nurses and skilled staff members provide many services, including senior home care, hospice health care, palliative care, orthopedic rehabilitation, and more.